In2006, a former IBM ( IBM) employee sent his then new bosses at HP ( HPQ) a confidential IBM memorandum containing trade secret business plans and technology. 2006年,一名前IBM员工就曾将一份机密级IBM备忘录,发给了他在惠普公司(HP)的新上司。备忘录中包括IBM的商业机密&商业计划和技术。
China-Japan Memorandum Trade Office 中国-日本备忘录贸易办事处
The memorandum of understanding on Prohibiting Import and Export Trade in PLPs Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America on Market Access 《关于禁止劳改产品进出口贸易的谅解备忘录》中美市场准入谅解备忘录
The memorandum trade refers to the trade developed in the form of memorandum between China and Japan. 备忘录贸易,是中日之间以备忘录的形式发展起来的贸易。